Comedy for Social Change: This Weekend Experience A Trailblazing All-Dalit Stand-Up Show

Comedy for Social Change: This Weekend Experience A Trailblazing All-Dalit Stand-Up Show

Comedy, with its unique ability to wield humor as a tool for social commentary, holds profound significance in addressing critical social issues, particularly in the context of minority voices in India, including the sensitive topic of caste. Through clever wit and satire, comedians can illuminate deep-rooted prejudices, challenge stereotypes, and encourage meaningful conversations that might otherwise be met with resistance.

Comedy offers a disarming platform to discuss the complexities of caste dynamics, allowing audiences to engage with uncomfortable truths while finding moments of shared laughter that bridge divides. By shedding light on the often overlooked experiences of marginalized communities, comedy fosters empathy and encourages introspection, catalyzing societal transformation. While treating such subjects with the gravity they deserve, comedy navigates the fine line between entertainment and advocacy, serving as a potent instrument for fostering inclusion, dismantling discrimination, and amplifying the voices of those who have been historically silenced.

Comedy for Social Change: This Weekend Experience A Trailblazing All-Dalit Stand-Up Show
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Over the recent years, renowned media and arts collective, Maraa has meticulously constructed a body of work that delves into the realm of self-expression through humor, primarily in the form of stand-up comedy. Collaborating with emerging comedians from diverse backgrounds across Maharashtra and Karnataka, they have recognized the tremendous potential of this medium as a conduit for fresh perspectives, presented in novel tonalities through the lens of humor.

From today to the 27th of August, Maraa is proudly presenting a series of shows in Bangalore, featuring the Maharashtra-based stand-up comedy collective, Blue Material - a groundbreaking endeavor in India as the country's first-ever All Dalit stand-up comedy lineup. The term "blue comedy" has traditionally referred to humor that is provocative, indecent, or even profane, often revolving around themes of sexuality. However, in the context of the anti-caste movement, the color blue carries a more profound significance, symbolizing the expansive sky as a representation of non-discrimination, where equality reigns for all beneath it.

Comedy for Social Change: This Weekend Experience A Trailblazing All-Dalit Stand-Up Show
A Dalit Publishing House Leading A Movement For Equality In The Publishing Industry

This brings us to Blue Material, a captivating stand-up comedy show boasting an exclusively Dalit lineup. Presented as a 90-minute performance featuring three to four comedians, the show finds its roots in the personal becoming the political, utilizing humor as a tool to illuminate the intricacies of caste dynamics and intersecting forms of oppression. This compelling narrative is woven amidst a tapestry of well-crafted comedic anecdotes, including those of a more risqué nature.

Highlighted Performers:

Manaal Patil

Embarking on his stand-up comedy journey in 2015 within the bustling streets of Mumbai, Manaal's narrative revolves around his upbringing as a Dalit individual amidst the upscale neighborhoods of Bandra. His sets navigate his journey to self-discovery, realization of the significance of reservation, and the myriad of misadventures entwined with his savarna friends.

Ankur Tangade

With a comedy career spanning since 2018, Ankur not only graces the stage as a stand-up comedian but also commands the theater as an artist hailing from Beed. Over the years, she has cultivated a repertoire of sets that offer glimpses into the life of a Queer Dalit Woman, often punctuated by her sharp and succinct one-liners.

Ravi Gaikwad

Taking the stage since 2019, Ravi presents a versatile range of sets that delve into topics such as conservative friendships, traditional uncles, and the intriguing interactions between Savarna and Dalit rappers, all interwoven with his own personal anecdotes.

Blue Material

Venu & Dates

Sat 26th Aug | BIC | 6PM - 7:30PM

Sat 26th Aug | Shoonya | 9PM - 10:30PM

Sun 27th Aug | Our Theatre | 6PM - 7:30PM

Sun 27th Aug | Beru | 8:30PM - 10PM

Follow Maraa Collective here.
