Noopur Choksi’s Art Hits The Sweet Spot Between Analogue & Digital Creative Realms

Noopur Choksi's unique artistic journey, guided by a profound respect for analog mediums, has evolved into a captivating convergence of analog and digital realms.
Noopur Choksi's unique artistic journey, guided by a profound respect for analog mediums, has evolved into a captivating convergence of analog and digital realms.Noopur Choksi

In an era where the allure of analog has made an enchanting comeback, weaving its nostalgic charm into both the visual and music spheres, artists find themselves at the intersection of tradition and technology. Noopur Choksi, a visionary artist deeply enamoured with the world of analog, stands as a testament to this revival. Her unique artistic journey, guided by a profound respect for analog mediums, has evolved into a captivating convergence of analog and digital realms.

Through her meticulous exploration of the brush pen and ink, color pencils, and the crafting of three-dimensional wonders in wood and ceramics, Choksi celebrates the exquisite imperfections inherent in analog expression — a realm where "accidents" are not easily rectified, in stark contrast to the pristine digital canvas. This fusion of mediums is not solely driven by aesthetics but also practicality, as analog methods can often be time-intensive. Choksi's creative process seamlessly intertwines both worlds, beginning with sketches on paper and culminating in digital compositions that facilitate nimble experimentation with color and composition. Her artistic language, in constant flux, remains firmly rooted in her enduring affection for analog craftsmanship while embracing the limitless possibilities unlocked by digital tools.

Risograph Zine: Nostalgia
Risograph Zine: NostalgiaNoopur Choksi

Noopur's art serves as a canvas for experimentation, where typography, narrative, and image-making converge, especially with projects like Risograph Zine: Nostalgia, a one-page non-linear narrative zine. Her creations externalize the often ethereal, energetic, and emotional aspects of her subjects. Her vision extends beyond the visual, aiming to stretch the limits of how we perceive and think visually. Her works serve as a bridge between the tangible and the intangible, offering a rich and layered interpretation of the human experience.

Emotive Soundscapes
Emotive SoundscapesNoopur Choksi

Noopur's work bears a distinctive feminine lens, a direct reflection of who she is and how she sees the world. Music, science, and fashion act as the 'creative triggers' that that drive and shape her artistic practice. Her project Emotive Soundscapes, for instance, is a captivating exploration of the intersection between sound and visuals that features two moving posters set in natural environments, brimming with organic, human, and nature-inspired forms that come to life with movement and sound.

HERfumesNoopur Choksi

The artist's deep passion for biology and human physiology informs her artistic approach as well, extending its influence from her depiction of figurative forms to its application across various mediums and contexts. A notable project exemplifying this harmonious blend of science and art is her series of illustrations featuring 25 vintage perfume bottles. This collection culminated in a poster inspired by biological diagrams, a unique fusion that she aptly named 'HERfumes'. Through this creative endeavor, Choksi celebrates the essence of radical femme fatale fragrances, showcasing the captivating synergy of science and art within her work.

Noopur's intricate illustrations, bursting with electrifying colours, arrest the senses. Her work exudes a hand-drawn, fluid quality that infuses her creations with life and character through a volatile marriage between analog and digital media; a fusion that brings her visions to vivid fruition.

Follow Noopur here.
