Homegrown Label Advait Melds Fine Art & Fashion In Bold & Unique Ways

Homegrown Label Advait Melds Fine Art & Fashion In Bold & Unique Ways

Amidst several other challenges, launching her very own label in the midst of a worldwide pandemic was among the hardest endure for Delhi based designer & artist, Advaitha Ravishankar. In this era of conscious and sustainable living, the founder intended to create a brand that adhered to the sensitivity of her audience while also playing with a vibrant brand aesthetic to accompany it.

Image source: Advait India

Born out of her passion to meld fashion and fine art, Advait is a label that strongly advocates idiosyncrasy through its bold and colourful artistic details. Advaitha who majored in fashion and textile design from London College of Fashion intended to create a conscious yet aesthetic brand that does not comprise its products for the sake of commerciality.

‘I have always enjoyed painting and working with colour, using multiple mediums from oil pastels to gouache and that’s what soon became the backbone of the brand. I feel like right now when people think of Advait, they think about bold colours, mark-making - basically a canvas transformed into clothing and that’s something we’ve always worked to achieve and hope to keep consistent through the years.’

— Advaitha Ravishankar, Founder, Advait
Image source: Advait India

Speaking of challenges, Advaitha recalls the complexities that she and her team had to endure while launching her brand in early 2020. As a homegrown label just venturing into this volatile market, Advaitha takes great pride in keeping her brand afloat and working consistently to deliver her vision through her art.

‘In the beginning, it felt like there was no progress but as of late, things have started looking up. Just consistently dedicating my time to doing something or the other for the growth of the brand every single day has been one of the things that have kept us afloat. I guess it’s always been about just showing up and consistently trying new things. You never know what might work and what could completely fail.’

— Advaitha Ravishankar, Founder, Advait

With fun silhouettes that incorporate bold hues and artistic details, Advait has grown into an emerging label on Homegrown’s radar.

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