Mud On Boots — An Initiative Empowering Grassroots Conservationists Of India

Rajeev Chauhan
Rajeev Chauhan(Image source:

Living in an age that is unfortunately characterised by climate change, we stand in the midst of something that can very well be referred to as historic transformation. The WWF Living Planet Report 2018 estimated an astonishing 60 percent decline in the wildlife population in the last 40 years. As grim as the reality might be, what we cannot overlook is the fact that awareness with respect to climate change and environmental degradation has never been as widespread as today. Never before have we been equipped with as sophisticated technology, quality research and as strong a drive to make amends.

With the fast paced lives that come with being urban dwellers, being environmentally conscious comes with its own set of challenges. However, people have turned to sustainable substitutes and ingenious innovations to contribute in whatever small way they can. And these efforts do not go unrecognised. What is however overlooked is how there exist numerous heroes and initiatives that have risen from the thriving grassroots of the country, but have not received the due credit they deserve, which more often than not means inadequate support to carry out the movements of change they have worked tirelessly towards. Mud on Boots Project an initiative by the Sanctuary Nature Foundation is working towards changing just that.

In January 2017, the Sanctuary Nature Foundation launched the Mud on Boots Project with the aim to strengthen the very roots of Indian wildlife conservation. “As the name implies, the project was developed to empower those conservationists who are doing valuable work in the field, who have mud on their boots, but who tend to fall under the radar of governments, large wildlife organisations and the media. By giving these earth heroes even minimal support to execute their projects and by spotlighting their contribution, we intend to magnify the impact of their conservation work and connect them with a wider network of wildlife and protectors across the world. We expect to add more project leaders, especially women, in the coming months,” explains Bittu Sahgal, founder of the Sanctuary Nature Foundation.

These Project Leaders along with monetary grants also receive other forms of assistance that includes access to Sanctuary’s contacts and intellectual resources, media coverage, project management support, customised capacity building trainings and the opportunity to expand the scope of their work. The sponsorship of a single Project Leader’s work is INR 5,00,000 for the two-year period. You can too contribute to the cause by making donations.

Donations can be made via cheques made out to ‘Sanctuary Nature Foundation’. These can be sent to Sanctuary’s Mumbai office:

146, Pragati Industrial Estate N.M. Joshi Marg Lower Parel (East) Mumbai – 400021

Alternately, donations can be made via NEFT transfer to:

Sanctuary Nature Foundation

Standard Chartered Bank

Unit 1,2,3 and 4 Gr. Floor & Basement,

Kemps Corner, A.K Marg,

Mumbai Pin - 400036

Bank account number: 24105091238

IFSC - Code: SCBL0036059

A letter that includes the donor’s complete address and PAN number is required and should be emailed to

Click here to find out more about the initiative.

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