The Internal Coup of Zima Blue
The Internal Coup of Zima BlueThe Internal Coup of Zima Blue

Zima Blue: An Adapted Mumbai Performance Art Piece Intersecting Theatre & Music

"Without fallibility, there is no art, and without art, there is no truth."

- Alastair Reynolds

What is meaningful to Zima? The futuristic master has undergone radical changes to hear visual data as a kind of music; to see sounds as a symphony of startling colours. In a site-specific performance, Zima Blue will explore the true purpose of his existence. Does the answer lie in the cosmos? Or can it be extracted out of the mundane? Inspired by the short story 'Zima Blue', written by Alastair Reynolds, the theatrical performance 'The Internal Coup of Zima Blue' by created by Ankit Verma and accompanied by Haved Jabib's experimental soundscape, will explore the notion of line and perspective with the help of movement. 

Ankit Verma is a Bombay based performance artist who experiments with theatre in the digital media space. His previous projects include ‘A View with a Room’, a one-of-a-kind piece that he wrote, directed & performed for Verve’s special Cinema Issue and ‘The Age of Prison’, a live and interactive theatrical performance that he got a grant to create from Harkat Studios and Goethe-Institut Mumbai.

Similarly Haved Jabib aka Revant Dasgupta is an Indian electronic music producer and audiovisual artist based in Mumbai who is known for stitching together layers of field recordings, static, synths, percussion and ambient sounds. Revant is able to masterfully craft a wall of twitching and fragmented ambient noise, with the sole purpose of introducing an assault of abstract textures with splatters of anxiety and despair.

Find more information about their collaborative venture and further insights about the 30 minute performance here.
