How A Kochi-Based Artist Is Reimagining The ‘Ordinary' Through Her Art

How A Kochi-Based Artist Is Reimagining The ‘Ordinary' Through Her Art
Art by Caroline Joseph

It has been a long time since we’ve been locked indoors – 8 and a half months to be precise. Amidst such tumultuous times when human interaction has become minimal and self-quarantining has become the norm of the day, life has come to a standstill in terms of social outings and friendly visits. Even though some of us have had the misfortune of falling into despair during these times, Kochi-based artist and photographer, Caroline Joseph feels that ‘being locked in’ has made her look at ‘everyday things in a newer, more positive light.’ In turn, it has inspired her to incorporate the apparently ‘ordinary’ in her art, through which she aims to subvert the archetype of aestheticism.

“The things around us that we use, yet overlook – things that we never found ‘aesthetic’. I want to create an emotion with the quotidian, find art in the every day,” reveals Caroline.

Poetry and uncanny truths of life are the facets that give fodder to her art.

Caroline’s favourite piece of work of her own is that of a photograph of milk being poured.

“It’s just poured milk, but it is my favorite because it has opened a whole new perspective to me, in terms of photographic aesthetics. It helped me realise that art really is everywhere; it’s how you choose to look at it. After all, our lives are themselves masterpieces in process.”

She sees art through the lens of personal narratives which coalesce the whole of India into a diverse singularity, thereby spreading a message of unity and respect among its citizens.

If given a chance to propose and lead a project with the Indian government, she would want to engage different people from different parts of India in a storytelling project where each one of them can voice their own perspectives and tell their own stories, thereby reclaiming the rich history of India’s diversity. She wants to amplify the eclectic voices of India to remind people that ‘even if our differences seem like a battlefield, we are all brothers and sisters from the same soil at the end of the day.’

She believes that it is important to address this matter, since it is the inability to rise above our differences and accept each other for who we are, that has led to the rising instances of communalism and hatred in India. Apart from these, she wishes to engage in projects that empower women and uplift their socio-economic positions in society.

P.S.: She highly admires the work of her Indian contemporary, Rhea Gupte.

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