Resin on Canvas
Resin on CanvasAtia Sen

Indian Creatives Experiment With Resin To Create Ethereal Art

Art is all about experimentation. It’s heartening to think that in the long course of evolution, art has thrived and carved its own trajectory of subsistence precisely because of its malleability and adaptability. The idea of art has also been constantly evolving because artists have been innovating and experimenting with different mediums and methods, and the latest boom on the block is resin art. Resin is a transparent, malleable (some call it ‘ethereal’) material that can be moulded into different durable shapes and objects.

Resin art has been booming in the West and has, in recent times, gained traction amongst Indian artists as well. There are a considerable few who are dabbling with this art form for some years now, exhibiting their work across the subcontinent.

Here are some leading Indian resin artists you should definitely look up and support:

I. Abhigna Kedia

Contemporary mixed-media artist Abhigna Kedia has gained recognition for her use of this rare medium. Last year, she exhibited her work called Dance of the element at the Jahangir Art Gallery in Mumbai. She first began experimenting with this medium when she came across Rameshwar Broota’s Resin artwork at an exhibition in 2016.

Kedia says that working with resin is a painstaking process and it requires a lot of patience to gain control over this unpredictable material. Working with this medium has led her on a quest of self-exploration, and she hopes that through her art, the observer will be able to have a conversation with the colours they interact with.

Resin on HDF wood; Image Source 'Abhigna Kedia'
Resin on HDF wood; Image Source 'Abhigna Kedia'

You can check out her art here.

II. Aarthi Goyal

Aarthi Goyal is a professional resin artist, who started practising with this material nearly three years ago, at a time when artwork resin was not easily available nor were there any guidelines on how to work with it. She points out that resin is a chemical and one needs to take proper precautions before trying it. However, once an understanding of the medium is developed, there are myriad possibilities in-store.

She identifies as a surrealist whose biggest inspiration is the ocean. She feels that the fluid nature of this medium, not restricted by brushes or palette knives, gives her the liberty to express the chaos whilst simultaneously instilling a sense of calmness and serenity.

Indian artist with her resin work; Image Source 'Aarthi Goyal'

She makes functional products and has recently created a seven-feet resin artwork inspired by the spirit of natures, geological rocks, oceans, and energies. She also conducts resin workshops to take the knowledge of resin forward.

Resin Installation; Image Source 'Aarthi Goyal'

You can check out her art here.

III. Atia Sen

Atia Sen is an independent mixed media and installation artist who has been intrigued by the interplay between humans and their natural world. Her foray into experimenting with this medium was in Auroville, where she used materials from her surroundings like leaves, shells, and flowers to mix with resin, gradually she united the traditional and nontraditional form of art into one when she utilised resin along with acrylic on canvas. In doing so, she conjures a multidimensional world which is an expression of the wilderness that resides within her.

She has received great admiration for her resin creations which range from working off discarded ceramic plates to making intricate designs on pendants. Despite this, she doesn’t want to call herself a professional resin artist as she feels she hasn’t explored the many possibilities that this material offers. She is learning to master control over this fluid material and uses it in varied ways to take forward her work as a whole.

Resin on coasters; Image Source 'Atia Sen'
Resin art that immortalises leaves and flowers from nature; Image Source 'Atia Sen'

You can check out her art here.

The beginners attribute being pulled to this art form because of the simplicity of the medium. Pour, swirl, and play (in the right proportion) are the key steps that one must keep in mind, and as they advance, there is an ocean of dreams awaiting them.

IV. Zenia Taluja

Zenia Taluja, a researcher by profession, discovered this material when she was looking for ways to preserve dry flowers. She tried adhesives but the result was too messy and anything but satisfactory. Later, she came across an ad of a pendant with a flower cast inside it, and that is where her interest was piqued. On further research, she found out about the material that had been used – resin.

As a part of a fundraising initiative for an NGO, she decided to utilise her time in the lockdown to create resin jewellery inspired by the ‘Great Outdoors’— which comprises of blue skies, green fields, oceans, and everything wild and calming. She blended earthy colours to this material to create mesmerising pieces of pendants. She raised a considerable sum from selling these pendants, the proceeds from which went to the NGO.

She experimented with this versatile substance even more during the lockdown and has been trying to immortalise objects she finds in her surroundings, for her to reflect on, once she moves on from this phase.

Resin pendants; Image Source 'Zenia Taluja'
Earthen resin coasters; Image Source 'Zenia Taluja'

You can check out her art here.

With the growing popularity and now an easy availability of artwork resin, a lot more people are going to venture out to explore this art form. In the process, they may find a dormant inner resin artist.

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