Study Abroad With 5 International Scholarships For Indian Students

Indian Students at their graduation ceremony
Indian Students at their graduation ceremonyEdexlive

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when an Indian student thinks of the prospect of studying abroad? ‘Money’ — the mammoth amount of expenditure required for various factors such as tuition fees, accommodation charges, living expenses, traveling, and the cost of books. Realistically for a student fresh out of school looking to pursue an undergrad abroad or even for a master’s student, it is next to impossible to self-fund education in either Europe or the USA. While taking student loans is the most sought-after option to fulfill one’s dream of studying abroad, it, too has its disadvantages. The interest that accrues and a large amount of principal loan can take a student years to pay off. Although many students cruise through and pay off their student loans, it can also be overbearing for some. Thankfully, there is light at the end of the tunnel and on that note, we shall discuss a student’s best friend — scholarships.

I. Commonwealth Master’s Scholarships for Developing Commonwealth Countries

This scholarship is funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) to provide for talented and highly motivated individuals to come to the United Kingdom and study. The UK launched this scholarship program to show its commitment to the Commonwealth and to enable students from all backgrounds the opportunity to come, study and return home with the knowledge and prerequisites for being the leaders of tomorrow. The program only funds those students who are unable to afford education in the UK. It covers accommodation, tuition fees, travel expenses, and living costs. It is open to all students from India and several South-Asian countries students looking to pursue a postgraduate course in the UK.

Find out more about this scholarship here.

II. Fulbright Program

Named after US senator, J William Fulbright, this scholarship provides 8,000 grants annually out of which 4,000 are granted to international students and 900 to international visiting scholars. It is one of the most prestigious grants in the world for master's and Ph.D. students. It has been set up by the US to improve intercultural relations by allowing international students to conduct research and improve their expertise. The scholarship covers all expenses including tuition fees, health insurance, living, and travel costs.

Find out more about this scholarship here.

III. Chevening Scholarship

The Chevening Scholarship is one of the best global scholarship programs offered by the British Government. Annually, it provides scholarships to around 1000 meritorious students from over 130 countries to pursue postgraduate studies in the UK. Chevening Scholarships cover full tuition fees, provide a monthly stipend and several one-off allowances as well as international travel to and from the UK.

Find out more about this scholarship here.

IV. Great Wall Program

The Chinese government offers this scholarship to international students, teachers, and scholars all over the world, who want to study and conduct research at Chinese universities. The Great Wall Program is a full scholarship established by MOE for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to sponsor students and scholars in developing countries. It covers accommodation, tuition fees, medical insurance and also provides a stipend for the students.

Find out more about this scholarship here.

V. Charpak Master’s Scholarship

This scholarship is for an Indian national to study in France at the master’s level. The applicant must be a maximum of 30 years old and must be a current student or currently employed in India. It covers all educational institutions in France and provides a monthly allowance, accommodation benefits, and tuition fees. Knowledge of the French language is not mandatory but helpful while applying. There is also a Raman Charpak Scholarship available for Ph.D. students to carry out part of their research work at a French institution for up to six months.

Find out more about this scholarship here.
