5 Key Takeaways From India’s Participation At The COP26 Climate Change Summit

5 Key Takeaways From India’s Participation At The COP26 Climate Change Summit

The UN-led COP26 climate change summit that transpired in Glasgow earlier this week has been monumental for several nations, India particularly. The summit aims to push the developed world to enhance climate finance for the upcoming decade. (2021-30)

The highlight from the summit has been India’s commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions by the year 2070. India is the third-largest emitter of carbon in the world currently and was the only nation that hadn’t committed to a timeline to reach net-zero.

This declaration made by the Prime Minister came across as a surprise for the global community. Here are some key takeaways for India from the summit:

I. A new strategy for Sustainable Development: LIFE

Prime Minister Modi has laid emphasis on a new ‘mantra’ for India’s journey towards sustainable development. LIFE (Lifestyle for environment) is India’s attempt at mindful utilisation of resources and peaceful co-existence with nature.

II. Net-zero carbon emission by 2070

This highly ambitious commitment, India will continue to depend on fossil fuels for the next 20 years, post which it hopes to observe fall in the emission levels, trying to bring it net-zero levels latest by the year 2070.

III. Impetus on renewable energy

India has pledged to meet 50% of its energy requirements via renewable sources by the year 2030. This was also met with an unanimous response from energy experts that India will have to cut down its coal consumption drastically in the next 10 years in order for the nation to achieve this goal.

IV. Increasing forest cover

The nation also vowed to expand its forest cover to combat carbon emissions in the next decade. The aim is cover one-third of India’s geographical area with trees and forest cover.

V. Education & Mobilisation

Prime minister Modi also laid emphasis on deploying local and rural communities in the nation’s fight against climate change. He spoke of the importance that sustainable practices adopted by traditional communities and held and how adding this into school curricula could educate masses and the future generations.

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