Learning To Love My Curls: A Brand Ushering In A Natural Hair Movement

Learning To Love My Curls: A Brand Ushering In A Natural Hair Movement

It appears so that every time you click refresh on your social media platform these days, a brand new product seems to be up on the market. While Instagram and Facebook continue to hurl innumerable products, most of which you did not know you wanted but somehow now need, skincare and haircare products are always topping that list.

Sustainable, cruelty-free, vegan etc. are definitely brand values that appeal to the consumers of today. Right from garments to haircare products, there is a definitive trend amongst homegrown brands that is guiding them towards healthier and conscious production.

In this aspect, Delhi-based Dhruv Madhok and Dhruv Basin met and bonded over their shared interest in creating an honest personal care brand. Personal care which includes skin, hair, and body care are some of the most intimate products that a consumer interacts with and to maintain the sanctity of this dynamic, the duo birthed Arata - a skin and hair care brand that checks nearly box on the holistic new-age product checklist.

Arata aims to maintain a transparent relationship with consumers by actively making them aware of the adversities that products in the market can cause them. Several chemical ingredients known as carcinogens which pose a direct threat to skin and hair health have been banned in North America and Europe. Yet, these very products continue to be sold in large numbers in India where brands and companies often subvert regulations.

For this reason, Arata harnesses the power of natural and botanical sciences to create a range of all-natural, chemical-free and vegan products that put the consumer’s health at the fore of their vision. Arata’s products go beyond the realms of gender, age, skin types and more. With a range of products that specifically tend to curly hair, Arata expands its ambit of haircare treatments to wider, more specific consumer circles that could genuinely benefit from the effects of their products. As one of the only hair care products in the market that specifically fosters an increased focus on the maintenance of curly hair, Arata is already a crowd-favourite amongst curly-haired humans that love the tailor-made products for their specific hair type. Plant-powered body care is the future and Arata’s products might just be a leading example of that.

You can browse Arata’s range of products here.

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