Shrine Empire widens the expanse of what an art gallery stands for.
Shrine Empire widens the expanse of what an art gallery stands for.  Shrine Empire

An Interactive Space In New Delhi Is Changing The Way We Visit Art Galleries

Gulbahaar Kaur

The experience of viewing art often overlaps with embedding oneself in the social and political issues of the time and engaging with important conversations through multiple mediums. Hence spaces that store and display art need to create a visual manifestation of this process that invites the spectator to engage with art on a deeper level. Founders of Shrine Empire Anahita Taneja and Shefali Somani set out to do just that as they recently created an extension to their main gallery

Designed and executed by Nori Narratives, the renovated space creates fluidity between different sections where individuals can view art, read, work and interact with materials. The dynamic area provides an opportunity for the community to engage with poetry reading, launches and exhibitions. It widens the expanse of what an art gallery stands for and provides an alternative for the gen-next artists and enthusiasts to further connect with the artwork on display. 

Shrine Empire widens the expanse of what an art gallery stands for.

The space is divided into multiple sections, including a Reading Parlour. When exploring the gallery the audience can retreat into this space to read about the specific works of art or simply interact with other patrons. Additionally they now have a workstation where visitors can spend quality time and utilise inspirations to further create. This space is also available to display materials that are relevant to the ongoing exhibition. Hence individuals can engage with materials at a sensory level and build a stronger understanding of the artworks. 

The founders hoped to create an atmosphere where visitors establish a connection with the art, the artist and their inspirations. Instead of just forming a surface level understanding, post a cursory glance. They can now observe how strangers are engaging in conversations unprompted and forming a wider discourse on the multiple topics being discussed by the artist. Further fuelling the conversations around these narratives and making important themes known beyond the realms of the art gallery. 

The inviting space with ample natural light and calming palettes of wooden and concrete architecture are forming a new culture around art in India. By providing a platform for contemporary artists and art enthusiasts to thrive in. You can further explore the gallery here

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