BraidedGayatri Aich and Rikrivu Banerjee

Homegrown Photoseries ‘Braided' Examines The Tussle Between Heritage & Individuality

Heritage comes with baggage. The history that bestows identity upon us can be both a beacon and a box, shaping us as much as it constrains. The assimilation with our roots is a complex and nuanced experience, often a tightrope walk between holding onto cherished traditions and breaking free from the shackles they may inadvertently impose.

In the delicate dance of identity, women find themselves navigating a labyrinth of societal expectations. They are taught to hold back, questioned at every turn, their choices scrutinized under the unforgiving gaze of a system that demands conformity. Silence is expected, and any deviation from the established norms is met with accusations of hysteria and of being 'too much'. It is within this intricate web of societal pressures that the photo series, aptly titled 'Braided', unfolds its poignant narrative.

BraidedGayatri Aich and Rikrivu Banerjee

Gayatri Aich and Rikrivu Banerjee, the visionary artists behind 'Braided', delve into the profound symbolism of hair, crafting a metaphor that reflects the complexities of generational knowledge, the struggle between holding on and letting go, and the dichotomy of comfort and restraint. Gayatri, a queer interdisciplinary artist, explores the intersections between the everyday and the performing arts. Her lens captures the human body in motion, portraying the myriad emotions that define our existence.

On the other hand, Rikrivu, a nude art photographer, aims to redefine perceptions surrounding nudity. His work, deeply rooted in storytelling, seeks to normalize the human form, each series narrating tales of acceptance, the mundane, and the histories etched into every scar. Together, the artists embark on a visual journey that challenges preconceived notions about the female experience, using hair as a powerful metaphor.

BraidedGayatri Aich and Rikrivu Banerjee

The braids depicted in the series symbolize more than just a traditional hairstyle; they embody the bloodline, a legacy of warmth, care, and rooted histories. Yet, these same braids become chains, shackles that bind and suffocate, representing the pain that can accompany familial ties. 'Braided' raises profound questions about the dynamics within families, especially when those who once offered comfort become unwitting agents of suffering. The series grapples with the poignant conundrum of finding one's voice within a familial legacy of silence. What happens when the very figures who provided solace for years become the architects of a stifling cycle? The artists poignantly question the possibility of breaking free while being burdened with the responsibility of leaving loved ones behind, trapped in the same cycle of suffering.

'Braided' invites viewers to reflect on their own heritage and urging them to unravel the intricacies of their family dynamics. It challenges us to question the roles assigned by tradition and to seek a balance between preserving the richness of our roots and carving out spaces for individual growth. Gayatri and Rikrivu's collaboration serves as a profound exploration of the dual nature of heritage; capturing the beauty and burdens carried within the strands of our shared history.

Follow Gayatri here & Rikrivu here.
