An Indo-British Archival Project Dissects The Interconnection Between Objects & Home

Future Flow
Future FlowFuture Flow

An upcoming group print exhibition is examining the relationships between people, objects, and home. Future Flow is a fellowship where young adults from UK and India interested in curating and producing art exhibitions were mentored to develop curatorial and leadership skills. The showcase entitled ‘From Where I Stand’, featuring new commissions, will be displayed alongside existing works in print, video, and installation at the British Council in Delhi from March 11 through March 26, as well as in Edinburgh in 2024.

The Future Flow project, developed by Edinburgh Printmakers in collaboration with Flow India, sees young artists from Scotland and India collaborate to deliver a new exhibition and series of public events as part of the British Council's India/UK Together programme. The project collaborated with India's National Institute of Design, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh College of Art, and Queen Margaret University to form this cohort of young fellows, artists, and printmakers from Scotland and India to co-create the exhibition.

This particular exhibit will feature the work of seven contemporary artists under the ‘Season of Culture’, a programme of Arts, English and Education, that celebrates India’s 75th anniversary. If you would like to experience a guided tour of the exhibition by the curators, join the From Where I Stand: Curators’ Walkthrough exclusively for library members. You can also find additional information about the exhibit here
