The matchbox mini zinemaking workshop aims to break the stereotype that creating great art necessitates access to expensive supplies or formal art education.
The matchbox mini zinemaking workshop aims to break the stereotype that creating great art necessitates access to expensive supplies or formal art education. Neha Shetty

Bengaluru, Attend A One-Of-A-Kind Zinemaking Workshop Hosted By That Zany Martian

Neha Shetty's art style possesses a personality so distinct that once encountered, it becomes unmistakable. With an otherworldly, alien, and almost psychedelic essence, blends bold colours and a retro textured aesthetic. Neha's work is a celebration of South Asian culture, striving to bridge the gap of misrepresentation and underrepresentation in the global artistic sphere.

As a South Asian herself, Neha draws inspiration from the world around her and the unique maximalist aesthetic that characterises her cultural heritage. Through her illustrations, she seeks to challenge the portrayal of South Asians in global media, where they are often reduced to comic relief or sidekicks. Punchy lines and bold colours are her tools to demonstrate that South Asians are capable of much more than the limited roles they have been assigned.

"Whether it be matchboxes, illustrations or anything in between, I've always wanted to find ways to showcase art in ways that isn't conventionally done, to nudge the idea that just because something is popular doesn't really mean that it's right or is the only way of doing."
Neha Shetty (That Zany Martian)

Neha's artistic repertoire goes beyond traditional mediums, exploring avenues like matchboxes and unconventional canvases. Her goal is to showcase art in ways that defy conventions, encouraging the idea that popularity does not necessarily equate to correctness or the only way of expression.

"More than often, a lot of things are popular only because they're mediocre. And mediocrity can only take you so far, if making art that stands the test of time, is oozing raw/ unabashed creativity & being distinctive is your objective."
Neha Shetty (That Zany Martian)

In collaboration with Bazinega, an online zine collective and publishing house based in India, Neha brings forth a unique workshop experience. The matchbox mini zinemaking workshop aims to break the stereotype that creating great art necessitates access to expensive supplies or formal art education. Instead, Neha emphasizes the importance of having a story to tell, a vivid imagination, and the will to create.

Matchbox Zine
Matchbox ZineNeha Shetty (That Zany Martian)

The workshop is fueled by the motive to democratize art, utilizing materials abundantly available in South Asian households. From used candy wrappers to locally available matchboxes with vibrant illustrations, and old newspapers, participants are encouraged to explore their creativity without any barriers.

No need for expensive brushes—dried flowers or leaves from your garden will suffice. The workshop guides participants through the process of creating a narrative by cutting an A4 sheet into a long rectangle that fits into a matchbox. Collaging sentences from newspapers forms the story, and the accordion-folded sheet becomes the heart of the matchbox zine.

Matchbox Zine
Matchbox ZineNeha Shetty (That Zany Martian)

The workshop not only provides a creative outlet but also fosters a sense of reward and inspiration. Participants leave with their unique piece of art, a story encapsulated in a matchbox, proving that artistic expression can be found in the most unexpected places.

This 90-minute onsite workshop promises a journey into storytelling using everyday items like matchboxes, candy wrappers, dried leaves, and flowers. No prior knowledge is required, and all materials are provided. Neha envisions a space where participants discover the joy of telling their stories through art, using the simplest of materials to give their artistic voice a new life.

At the end of the workshop I want people leaving with their own piece of work that, no matter how insignificant it might look to another, leaves them feeling rewarded & inspired. It's still a piece of a story that means a lot to the participants & I hope they continue to use matchboxes or anything around them to give their artistic voice a new life.
Neha Shetty (That Zany Martian)


Where: Indiranagar Social, Bengaluru

When: January 20, 4:00 – 5:30 PM

Reserve your spot here.
