Bombay, Visit A New Vinyl-Themed Cafe In Collaboration With The Revolver Club

A quaint new cafe in Bandra located inside the Executive Enclave Hotel in Pali Hill offers food & beverages with the nostalgia of analogue sound.
A quaint new cafe in Bandra located inside the Executive Enclave Hotel in Pali Hill offers food & beverages with the nostalgia of analogue sound. Records Coffee

In recent years, India has witnessed a remarkable resurgence of vinyl culture, igniting a wave of nostalgia among music enthusiasts. As digital formats dominated the music industry for decades, the revival of vinyl records has sparked a profound longing for the tangible and immersive experience they offer. Listeners relish the crackling sound, the tactile sensation of flipping through album covers, and the ritual of carefully placing the needle on the groove. The vinyl revival in India reflects a yearning for a bygone era, a desire to connect with the past, and an appreciation for the warmth and authenticity of analog sound.

A quaint new cafe in Bandra, Mumbai operates around the same charm of vinyl records. Records Coffee by Veranda is located inside the Executive Enclave Hotel in Pali Hill. With an extensive beverage menu, the cafe also has a collection of vinyl records in collaboration with The Revolver Club, India's largest capital of analogue music offering vinyl records, turntables, home theatre systems and Hi-fi audio systems. At Records Coffee, you can browse through the vinyl collection, play it on the turntable as you sip your matcha latte or mango smoothie and even buy it on the spot.

Stepping into this unique establishment, patrons are immediately transported to a nostalgic era of vinyl records and soulful melodies. The serene, all-white cafe is adorned with an impressive collection of vinyl records, creating a visually mesmerizing setting that pays homage to the rich history of music. As customers indulge in aromatic brews and delectable treats, they can immerse themselves in the soothing tunes that fill the air, setting the perfect backdrop for relaxation and conversation. With its cozy interiors, warm lighting, and carefully curated music selection, Records Coffee by Veranda offers a one-of-a-kind experience where music aficionados and coffee lovers can converge and indulge in the delights of nostalgia.

Check out Records Coffee here.
