'I EXIST Hence I RESIST': Sign Up For A Workshop Intersecting Activism, Art, & Identity

I EXIST Hence I RESISTSiddhesh Gautam

Siddhesh Gautam emerges as a complex and multifaceted artist based in Delhi. His artistic identity moves beyond traditional labels, encompassing a myriad of disciplines including mixed-media art, design, literature, and storytelling. Within each of these realms, Siddhesh's work serves as a vessel for challenging conventional narratives; igniting a sense of agitation, exploration, and introspection within his audience.

An upcoming workshop he's hosting aims to serve as a nuanced exploration of the intricate interplay between personal identity and socio-cultural contexts. It invites participants to reflect on the perennial company of selfhood amidst the ebb and flow of daily life, urging them to ponder the profound question:

Who am I?

In a world where the dominant narrative often overshadows the diversity of cultural practices, this workshop celebrates the depth and breadth of indigenous knowledge. It recognises that human development is not solely shaped by individual beliefs but is profoundly influenced by the socio-cultural milieu in which one exists.

Central to the workshop's ethos is the recognition of both institutional and non-institutional modes of transmitting indigenous knowledge. It acknowledges the richness of undocumented practices; emphasizing the importance of preserving and documenting these cultural legacies for posterity.

Through a blend of observation and creative expression, participants are invited to embark on a journey of self-discovery and cultural exploration. The medium of self-portraiture serves as a tool for weaving together personal narratives with broader socio-cultural histories, illuminating the intricate threads that bind individual identities to collective experiences.

At its core, this workshop seeks to foster a nuanced understanding of selfhood and cultural identity. By engaging with the complexities of personal and collective narratives, it invites participants to reassess their perceptions of themselves and collaboratively create art pieces that serve as expressions of protest against issues that resonate deeply with one's psyche.

The workshop will kick off with an hour-long performance segment featuring the works of three accomplished protest artists. These artists will showcase their pieces, each encapsulating a unique perspective on resistance and activism. Through these performances, participants will be immersed in rich visual storytelling, igniting their creativity and passion for change.

Following the performances, participants will engage in dynamic discussions aimed at generating instant reactionary ideas. Drawing inspiration from the showcased artworks, attendees will brainstorm concepts and themes for their own protest pieces. This phase encourages participants to delve into their personal experiences and convictions, channeling them into powerful artistic statements.

With ideas in hand, participants will proceed to select their preferred medium and begin the creative process. Whether through painting, sketching, mixed media, or any other artistic form, individuals will have the freedom to express their dissent in a manner that resonates with their unique artistic voice.

In the end, participants will have the opportunity to showcase their art and engage in constructive feedback sessions. This segment fosters dialogue and reflection, allowing participants to gain insights from their peers and refine their artistic visions.

The workshop is open to individuals from all walks of life, irrespective of their profession, caste, gender, religion, or background. The only prerequisite is a shared desire to create art as a means of resistance. In terms of materials, participants will need white paper, tracing paper, pencils/pens, coloured pencils, and crayons to bring their artistic visions to life.


Duration: 2 hours 

Venue: Online

To register for the ‘I EXIST hence I RESIST’ workshop, click here
