Kalmi's New Music Video Tells the Charming Story Of A South Indian Farmer & His Goat

Chiporu is more than just another piece of music; it's a whimsical expedition into a fictitious village crafted by these artists.
Chiporu is more than just another piece of music; it's a whimsical expedition into a fictitious village crafted by these artists. Amita Sana, Kalmi, & MK Abhilash

In an era where artistic collaborations and creative ventures reign supreme, the emergence of a new musical journey, 'Chiporu', speaks to the collaborative power of three talented artists — Kalmi, Abhilash, and Amita. Their collaborative effort goes beyond the realms of music and visual storytelling, encapsulating the essence of nostalgia and innovation.

Chiporu is more than just another piece of music; it's a whimsical expedition into a fictitious village crafted by these artists. This sonic adventure takes the audience on a trip back to childhood, inviting them to delve into a world of innocence, evoking memories of simpler times through an intricately animated 8-bit video.

The genesis of this project dates back to 2020 when Kalmi conceptualized a piano piece that eventually evolved into the foundation of Chiporu. Over the next two years, the trio meticulously shaped and refined the track, infusing diverse musical sections to breathe life into their creation. The introduction of Amita in 2021 elevated the project to new heights, as her visual storytelling, meticulous storyboarding, and animation prowess brought Chiporu to vivid, animated life.

Chiporu narrates the story of a South Indian farmer and his endearing companion, a pet goat, embarking on a captivating chase after a moth through the enchanting village of Chiporu. The 8-bit visual aesthetic, reminiscent of classic video games, serves as a nostalgic canvas that sets the stage for this enthralling journey.

Throughout this pursuit, the audience witnesses a metaphorical representation of life's dichotomies as the chase meanders through various landscapes, mirroring the track's tonal shifts from vibrancy to the ordinary. The encounter with an exotic plant within the dark forest marks a pivotal moment as the moth undergoes a transformation; transcending into a butterfly. This metamorphosis becomes symbolic of resilience amid adversities.

The culmination of their journey sees the protagonists emerging from the forest into a joyous village. Their resilience and perseverance are rewarded as they discover a portal leading to a paradisiacal realm, which emphasises the triumph of resilience through hardships.

The beauty of Chiporu lies in its seamless fusion of emotionally charged music and profoundly innocent visuals. This collaboration paints a narrative that resonates deeply with the human spirit, evoking sentiments of nostalgia, resilience, and the unwavering pursuit of happiness.

The individual prowess of the artists behind Chiporu adds unique dimensions to the project. Kalmi, a versatile composer/producer from Hyderabad, seamlessly blends film influences with electronic music, creating a diverse musical landscape. MK Abhilash, an audio-visual artist hailing from Bangalore, draws inspiration from the Y2K era, infusing his music with a fusion of influences and incorporating poetry into his films, crafting a multi-dimensional experience. Amita, a visual artist based in Bengaluru, known for her experimental artistry and versatile styles, endeavors to reignite the inner child in herself and others through her artistic expressions.

This collaborative effort encapsulates not just a musical track but a heartfelt journey into the realms of imagination and nostalgia; reminding us of the resilience and joy that can be found while pursuing our dreams.
