This Sustainable Tableware Brand Creates Crockery That Decomposes In 90 days Instead Of 1000 Years

Credit - Ecoware Facebook
Credit - Ecoware Facebook

Since the plastic ban, plastic has made a sneaky comeback into our environment. Polythene still remains the root cause for most of the environmental crisis’. Taking the rampant use of plastic into consideration, 39 year old pharmacologist Rhea Mazumdar Singhal has created cutlery that decomposes within the span of ninety days. Singhal is the founder and the chief executive officer of Ecoware. The ecoware range of products comprises of tableware that is ecological and eco friendly. These products are estimated to withstand temperatures within the gamut of -20 to 140 degrees celsius. India hasn’t truly prioritised the segregation of garbage and proper waste disposal procedures either. One of the many challenges she faced was the need to garner attention and educating the masses towards the multiple hazards of the incorrigible use of plastic.

“Our first step was to educate and build awareness. We had to teach them what biodegradable and compostable meant, why is it good for you, why it is good for the environment. And this is why I’m asking you to pay an little bit extra compared to plastic.”

“I wanted to build something that is safe to eat out of and easy to dispose of. I wanted something that would not change the nutritional value of food, nor did I want this product to end up yet into another Ghaziapur landfill. I was very clear about this from the very beginning.” She says. Taking insight towards biomass and tentative researching, Rhea and her father-in-law Sunil Sighal fostered their attention towards sugarcane bagasse – through which would be the base of the biodegradable crockery. These products do not seek to make use of any external composting facility, either. It is self sufficient and sustainable to permeate back into the environment. It is of core importance to abandon the use and the proliferation of plastic. This project requests every individual to start by using biodegradable and eco friendly alternatives for a greener and comparatively less precarious tomorrow.

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