Experience The Regional Flavours Of India With These Homegrown Cookbooks

Pina Patel
Pina PatelPina Patel

Traditional Indian cooking opens up a pathway for rich flavours and immaculate taste, an entirely unique experience of culinary excellence. It is also said that the visual presentation of our diverse cuisines is enough to entice someone. Furthermore the huge variety of delicacies offered from different parts of the country remains unmatched globally. All Indian cuisines are also based in sustainable practices that utilise local ingredients and slow production methods to achieve a nutritious meal. Hence, if you are looking to explore your own culinary talents, here are a few homegrown cookbooks from different parts of India to get you started. 

I. The Essential Kerala Cookbook

Highlighting special Malayali delicacies from different regions and communities of the state such as typical vegetarian Hindu dishes of Palakkad to the Syrian Christian delicacies of Tranvancore. The Essential Kerala Cookbook is the perfect guide to mastering the art of the diverse cuisine. In addition to gaining insights about its origins, the author also goes over the ancient association of food with religion, foreign trade and the intermingling of different communities. 

Find the cookbook here.

II. Pakghar: Recipes From An Assamese Kitchen

The innovative cuisine of Assam is often overlooked by most when exploring the range of Indian delicacies. Pakghar attempts to capture its excellence with recipes that are healthy, use minimal ingredients, spices and are dependent upon nature. Exploring the extensive use of medicinal herbs and local plants to bring nutrients and taste to the palette. The book is divided into five parts and covers vegetarian dishes in addition to meat and seafood specialities. 

Find the cookbook here.

III. Menus & Memories From Punjab

Taking a nostalgic culinary journey through Punjab, the special cookbook features signature recipes from the small villages of the state. Exploring the cuisine beyond its grandeur in the simple streets of Punjab where real food of generations finds its place. The book takes in account the journey of the cuisine that has sustained itself through many upheavals and has always managed to comfort the people of Punjab. Further discussing the unique dishes from each community. 

Find the cookbook here.

IV. Pangat, A Feast: Food & Love From Marathi Kitchens

Expanding on over 200 dishes, Pangat is an exemplary exploration of Marathi cuisine that shines light on the versatility and sheer variety of its food traditions. With vivid and detailed stories, the author introduces food enthusiasts to special masalas, cooking techniques and elaborate meal preparation techniques, covering various communities in the process and capturing the diverse beauty of Maharashtrian cuisine. 

Find the cookbook here.

V. My Mother's Cooking: Simple Gujarati Cuisine

To truly understand the real techniques behind mastering any cuisine one needs to learn special recipes from a mother, who holds onto unmatched generational knowledge of that community's food culture. Taking this idea forward a special cookbook titled ‘My Mother’s Cooking: Simple Gujarati Cuisine’ shares the easiest way to ace the region's delicacies. The authentic dishes are healthy in addition to offering a whirlwind of taste in one bite.  

Find the cookbook here.
