How A Women-Led Brand From A Small Town In Uttarakhand Is Pioneering Cultural Sustainability

OhKU Studio
OhKU StudioOhKU Studio

A brand focused on empowering women in addition to marginalised communities who have little access to alternative sources of income. Oh KU Studio, based out of Kumanon, Uttarakhand is a small women led business crafting unique hand knit and crochet items. Making sure to distance themselves from commercial pressure, their central motive is to promote a sustainable mode of production. 

“Oh KU is an ever-evolving idea, and we are always looking for new ways to explore it,” says the brand. The label is mastering unisex clothing that is not limited to dreary-grey shades, but rather embraces a colourful celebration of the many expressions of gender and self identity. In addition to the development of long-term livelihood opportunities for the artisans, they are also shedding light on the hidden artistry of the land. 

The creatives at Oh KU do not limit themselves to simply producing clothing, they take proactive steps towards promoting cultural sustainability, authenticity and craftsmanship. Their hand knit and crochet workshops are a testament to these efforts, which further help others in creating their own clothing from scratch. 

You can find them here and check out the extended collection on the NoBordersShop website. 
